
My wildly entertaining letters to my son and other American Soldiers suffering in Iraq and elsewhere...posted in no particular chronological order.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Tuesday July 22, 2003

Dear Captain S,

I am an Army Mom. My son, SPC Rob M, is a medic in your unit. I am writing to express to you and your men the respect, gratitude, and pride we here at home feel for all of you.

Despite the deprivations of war, you continue to carry out your missions with genuine honor and dignity. You have conducted yourselves with a grace and poise this nation has not seen since WW II. Images of you are broadcast worldwide every single day. In all cases our troops are professional in appearance and deportment. You have successfully become both the ambassadors of peace and the keepers of order. Nowhere is this more apparent than in and around Mosul. Today the 101st Airborne achieved a great victory.

The Princes of Iraqi Darkness are Dead. LONG LIVE THE 101ST AIRBORNE!

Do not for one moment believe you are forgotten or unappreciated. The soldiers of the United States Army are the pride of hometown America. And the soldiers of the 101st Airborne are the epitome of the awesome force and valiant heroism of that Army.

We have apple pies in the oven, hot dogs on the grill, and the porch lights of America will be left on for you until you come home. We love you all and can't wait for your safe return.

You guys ROCK!!

--An Army Mom
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